
COMIXSCAPE follows Tyler Wesley, an imaginative, perpetual preteen on the search for fun and adventure in his new fictional town Woodland, MA. Accompanied with new friends Nia (a pragmatic, precocious classmate that takes a liking to him), and Rocky (his self-proclaimed sidekick; a goofball raccoon with a ravenous appetite), Tyler finds himself in the midst of learning more about who he is, the strange past events that have transpired in his new town, and what he wants his story to be.


LJ-Baptiste is an art educator and cartoonist from Boston. He has collaborated with media giants such as Google, Hasbro, and PBS to produce essential works of art. He is best known for his ongoing comic book series, COMIXSCAPE, which features the adventures of a bright-eyed, perpetually preteen boy and his raccoon sidekick. Whether it’s work in animation, graphic apparel designs, or COMIXSCAPE, LJ’s art can be described as distinctive, masterful, and captivating. When it comes to visual communication, LJ prioritizes authenticity, details, and positive messages.

LJ is currently available for commissions, lectures, workshops, and more! He can be contacted via e-mail at ComixscapistLJ(at) as well as on Instagram and Twitter.