Hey everyone, with tomorrow’s holiday I figured it’d be nice to have this one up a little early. Stay away from that screen for a bit tomorrow! I’ll see you Monday.
Chapter 4
Back from the Holiday drawin’ comics. Been a while since I’ve gotten to do a strip so I felt a bit rusty!
I guess Tyler hears a voice for Rocky in his head sometimes? Sorry for the wait on this one, I’ll work harder to make sure the updates can be more consistent like the past few months of Chapter 4. Thanks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s my birthday today! More importantly, here’s the long-awaited #135! I’m really sory for the delays in the last couple pages, it’s mainly me not doing a great job keeping the comic a higher priority with finals and work creeping[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m feeling more and more disconnected with how to draw a dog with every consecutive page. Thanks for the patience over the last few pages, everyone. Finals hve been kicking my butt so comics have been up later than usual.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We’re very much nearing the end of the Schoolyard Showdown, people. Thanks for sticking around for what’s been a very odd chapter so far!
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays! I’ll be going on a little vacation in a couple days over to California, but I’ll be working until then so COMIXSCAPE can update as normal. Thanks for reading , and I’ll see you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Takes a page like this to remind you how superfluous my dialogue writing is. Unless I’m remembering incorrectly, this is the first wordless COMIXSCAPE strip. Oh and it’s also the last one posting before I head on my vacation, posting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…